‘…Marcel is an energetic, unconventional trainer who has trained and coached managers around the globe for us for over 10 years…’
‘…His passion, humor and ability to trigger and confront people at all levels in the organization is his absolute strength!’

About Me

I strongly believe in Theodore Roosevelt’s quote: ‘People do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care.’  Therefore I have long-lasting relationships with my clients. I commit myself to their objectives and culture and dedicate myself to support them in making their personal and business lives more successful. I have gained over 25 years of experience in making this happen. Not only for international companies but also smaller entrepreneurial ones. I have performed leadership programs on all continents except Antartica. For now!

My leadership coaching

Stake holder management
Together we will list the different ‘stakeholders’ that influence your life and the choices you want to make. Based on the complexity of your needs and choices, we will define the desired result.

Breaking the patterns
We will look at patterns, routines. 88% of your behavior is unconscious, automatic. Let’s look together at what behavior, what patterns should ideally be changed

Creating dedicated focus
We will define Focus as a key factor for success. Less distraction, more goal orientation. We will develop a strategy to reach your goal.

Have Massive Impact
We will increase your impact. This means examining where you miss the mark sometimes. Why is it that you are only inches away, but can’t get it done.

My leadership Training

Personal Leadership (2-day program)
A program based on the insights of Stephen Covey to create a level of Mutual Dependency in the team. Dare to make decisions and create a trust level that leads to win-win and synergy.

Team Leadership (2-day program)
A program to define your team strategy in the dynamic outside world. Define a desirable horizon for the coming years, guiding principles of the team, qualities per person and your commitment for tomorrow.

Leading and influencing others (1-day program)
A program based on the DISC Behavioral Styles that recognizes four predictable behaviour patterns to have a better understanding of your own behavior and how to create a higher trust level with others.

My Philosophy

is first to list the stakeholders, define their importance, analyze your patterns, redefine your focus and find the way to have massive impact.

Stakeholder management

We will actively map out the various stakeholders. You
will proactively assign a value to them so that we can
quickly and decisively define your desired result. This
in turn will result in a number of concrete goals, which
we will focus the sessions on. Concrete, sharp and

Breaking Patterns

In this fast moving world we have to be awake. 88% of everything we do, we do unconsciously. We can not really change, grow or learn in the automatic pilot area. I will support you to define your current patterns and see which one helps and which one we need to break and change. Use your 12% wisely!

Dedicated Focus

Leaders know exactly what they want. They walk the talk and lead by example. It is not only reserved for the happy few. We all can be leaders. Leaders of our own objectives and future. I will support you to find your focus. Defining what you want in business and your personal life and how to deal with the challenges of the diverse stakeholders.

Massive Impact

Nothing is more frustrating than knowing exactly what you want, but lacking the impact of getting it done. You want to take stage, but you do not have the skills or insight how to make it happen. I will support you to create massive impact. You will have the ‘gift factor’ and the stakeholders will support you in realizing your objectives.


My Clients

My Blog

The importance of being confused

De Reis van de Held’ The importance of being confused!

If you want to grow, get confused. If you want to broaden your horizon, start doubting. Look behind the curtain! It might bring you an Inisght although it might scare you.

We do know a lot, or we think we do. We consume all day the newest info available and we filter, analyze and activate. But how do we consume? Do we hear what we want to hear? Do we pick that info that suits our world vision, or do we like to create different angles, to broaden our spectrum, to question our current beliefs?

One of the best wine makers in the world Angelo Gaja believes you have to have 30% doubt in every decision you take. The doubt will help you to reflect, to learn, to grow and the 70% certainty will help you to make firm and bold decisions. Reflection and decisiveness. The best of both worlds.

So, in these challenging times get confused, be awake, question your current ideas. Think about it, do not throw it away. It will bring you new insights, growth and at the end, a better tomorrow.

#chooseyourwisely #21Impact #marcelpeijnenburg.nl

Live your Principles!

I try to live my life according to three principles. I take Influence, I never complain, and I have always time. It would make me so proud but unlucky for me I’m not always able to fulfill those self-made promises.

I sometimes love to complain. I hate it but I still do. Nothing pleases more, for a brief moment of time, to bitch and complain to your friends, colleagues or family. We ‘play the Violin’ tell them why this person is such an idiot because of X, Y and Z. And they agree. That feels good because we get reconfirmation that we are right.

But the next morning you wake up and everything is exactly the same. Nothing has changed and the irritation and anger is still there. The Bitching becomes a drug. You have to do it over and over again. It consumes you from the inside.

So, let’s break this toxic pattern. As of today we embrace and connect. We innovate and create.

We don’t bitch about the weather. We create our own Sun and Moon!

#Bitching #21Impact #marcelpeijnenburg.nl

Contact me!

Office + 31 (0)20 2440134Marcel + 31 (0)6 54725576
Office + 31 (0)20 2440134Marcel + 31 (0)6 54725576
Van Spaenstraat 131181 DV Amstelveen
Van Spaenstraat 131181 DV Amstelveen
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